So this is the first post of my new blog. I have an old blog (As the glaciers melt...) but I apparently didn't have a lot to talk about.
Well, that's changed because now I'm engaged!! That's right, I'm one step closer to being an old married lady, but I'm excited for it!
So what is there to say about me and my love (Zachary).
First of all, today, December 17, 2009 is the eve of our 6 1/2 year anniversary (meaning tomorrow we will have been dating for 6.5 years). That is 1/4 of each of our lives....holy smokes! (Slap on the forehead) That's a long time...but well spent.
Also, approximately 4.5-5 years of that has been spent long-distance. Geezous Louiseous (I like to make up words, so be prepared).
But, let's start at the very beginning (a very good place to start)...when you read you begin with...wait...wrong beginning...Here we go:
Zach and I met when we were in high school. He was in my AP American History class my junior year, as well as my Physics course (during which I sat right in front of him and would constantly turn around to flirt with him--he was oblivious--and for the longest time after we started dating he couldn't recall my being in his Physics class, sitting right in front of him!!). I think he was like one of five boys in that class, and he sat across the room. I thought he was cute because he was very sarcastic, funny, and quick-witted...plus he was adorably shy! Well, eventually my best friend and I both got a crush on him and actually fought over who would ask him to prom...I lost only because she cheated (haha, we're still friends, so luckily he didn't break our friendship up).
Long, long, long story short (or long still) was that after prom I started asking Zach to come over and watch movies at my house (he had never seen Lord of the Rings...for shame, for shame), and eventually we started dating. If I recall correctly we actually started going out online because we were both too embarassed to ask the other out face-to-face. So we were ahead of our time when we started dating online (har har).
We dated throughout our senior year of high school. He was there for me when I got into a car accident a week before our senior year started, and he's been there ever since. I believe that that experience solidified our bond and helped take us where we are today.
Another thing that strengthened our relationship (though it was very difficult at times) was the fact that we went to different universities. I went out of state to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, while Zach stayed in-state to attend the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He majored in Communications and Advertising, while I majored in Classical Civilizations and Art History. He was the Sports Director for his college radio stations (having many of his own shows), and I was a Program Coordinator for a youth volunteer program through my University YMCA. I studied abroad in Greece several times, the longest time being for two months one summer, while Zach was never really the traveling type. He does not like Greece, much to my dismay, but I don't like sports, so we're kind of even on that.
So how do we make this work? The short answer, who knows. The long answer, I think we just compliment each other's personality traits and quirks. I'm impatient, and he has the most patience I've ever seen in anyone. I'm extremely moody (especially when I don't have food), and Zach is very cool and collected (on the outside, on the inside he can be a nervous nelly sometimes!). I have the mouth of a dirty, rotten sailor, and Zach doesn't even swear when he's really upset. We may seems opposite, but I think that's what makes us work.
Anyways, I love him, and he loves me, and that's really all that matters at this point. I'm excited and perplexed about planning a wedding, but I'm really just looking forward to the day after, when I am his wife and he is my husband, that's what all this hullabaloo is for anyways, right?
So, I hope to keep you (my many millions of readers) up-to-date on the wedding happenings through this, but we'll see.
(Photo disclaimer: You may be thinking that I did not choose a very good photo for which to start my blog, but I think it's perfect. I get bored with the usual stand and smile, and that night I was sick of my sister taking those pictures, so I got a little goofy!! I think it's cute!!)
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