Thank the universe for the internet because I do not know what I would do without it! Right now I am learning something new every day in the world of blogging and how to have my own little business! The world we live in is an amazing place because of all the opportunities it offers (I just need more hours in the day....please!?!).
So today I have been working on creating a blog button and thinking up what I should write about in my blog today, and then I realized I could just combine the two!
I really haven't quite figured out the blog button thing (as in how to link it up and have it available for people to "grab"), but I know I'll get there. I at least created it (yay to picnik... I'm "yaying" a lot today). But I found this post to help me figure out how to do it. Hopefully all will work out, we'll see!
Also, I'm finding more and more that I feel behind... hey, I only just got into this whole blogging world and realized the possibilities behind it. So I have been trying to speed up the process of getting noticed, getting readers (aside from myself and my hubs), getting my products ready to sell, and balance that with work and school, which both consume a lot of my time right now! I refuse to give up though, I may just have to go slower (boo... I'm a fairly impatient person).
That is all for today, I've added more blogs that I like to my sidebar. Also, I totally have a blrush (blog crush) on the Gussy Sew's blog and I just found out she's hosting a little get-together in Minneapolis! I want to go, but I feel weird because I haven't really gotten many (okay, any) connections in this blog-o-sphere yet and I just feel like a creeper. I guess part of this business is putting yourself out there, which I am NOT one to do normally. So step outside your box chica and just do it! (that's my inner voice talking to me... woah I just made myself seem even more weird!)
Well, I will let you know (or me know since I'm still not so sure any aside from my parents and husband has seen this!)
In closing I am going to leave you with some pictures of me, my family, and my pups (obsessed---YES!).
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