March 10, 2011

Cooking with Elephants

Since I'm still new to this whole blogging world... I have no idea how to title my blog posts, let alone think of interesting things to write.

So today is all about RANDOMNESS!!  I'm finally posting some pictures of my crafting/sewing under my "The Crafts" button, so check-it-out!

Other than that, I really do not have a lot to say!  So I will just post some RANDOM pictures (psst... I am working on taking pictures better since I realize a lot of bloggers are avid picture takers.  I like taking pictures but I really don't understand, nor want to understand, the technical side of it... if it looks okay to me than AWESOME!)

Dinner prep... can you guess what we're having?!?

My grandma got these as a wedding shower gift... she's integral in feeding my obsession with elephants (WOOT--just got a blog post idea!)

I know, my obsession is sick and hopefully I will stop posting pictures of my puppies... or not because this is my blog and I will do as I please!

Well that's all for today, I will post my pictures of my craft canoondalings soon!

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