October 27, 2010

45 Days and Counting

Hello again, my wedding blog...it's been a long time...sorry about that. I honestly have no excuse except that I'm a lazy bum...and wow, blogger just totally screwed the pooch by not saving anything I had written...and boy did I have a great post!

I guess I'll try to start over (damn you blogger!). My wedding is almost planned. I'm just finishing up the details, which are not my favorite part at all! The details are the exhausting work, and I have a short attention span. Things get old quick to me (which is probably why I can't seem to write a book, even though I try!).

However, the closer it gets the more excited I am. I am very happy that I chose to have a wedding during the holiday season. I love the holidays, it's just such a magical time of the year, and now I get to have a wedding anniversary during that time as well. But this does mean that between Thanksgiving, Zach's birthday (12/5), our wedding anniversary (12/11), Christmas, and New Years, that this time of the year will always be busy from now own. I told Zach, though, that I want to retain our June 18 anniversary, just to kind of give us a reprieve from that busy time of the year.

I'm looking forward to Christmas/Holiday music, which of course I am going to have played intermittently throughout our wedding!!

What's weird is I only go home one more time before my wedding and that's for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately I won't actually get to see my dad until a few days before my wedding since he won't be home for Thanksgiving. I'll miss him, as I usually do when he's working over holidays, but I'll still help cook an amazing Thanksgiving meal with my mom and get to spend the holiday with Zach, my mom, Linds, Nick and all our puppies!

I have to say that my parents have been wonderful throughout this entire endeavor. My mom has been over the moon with excitement, and I truly appreciate her for that! It's terrible when you have someone who second guesses your decisions or gets mad or tries to make it about them, luckily, my mom is not that way! My dad has been awesome as well...willing to pay for a large chunk of our wedding. I know he loves me and just wants me to have the best, I hope he knows, though, that I don't think of him as a just a checkbook. He's my daddy, and I love him and he has always supported and loved me through everything. And again, I appreciate him for that too! My sister, well, she's crazy, but so am I, and we love each other for our craziness! She's been supportive (a little bossy, but that's her) and I'm excited to help with her wedding once mine is done! And, of course, Zach has been a champ. He's helped quite a bit, in his own way of course, and he's taken the lead on things I just didn't want to have to do! He's my guy and I'm excited to marry him in 45 days!